How AdSense Know What Ads to Send

Posted by Tanimowo Micheal | 05:16 | 0 comments »

The AdSense engine at Google sends is called Googlebot, out to visit your site on a regular basis to examine your pages.  This bot is simply a program which reads your pages.  Googlebot looks at your
key words, the structure and formatting on your web pages, the native language of your site, etc… Using the information gathered by the Googlebot, Google then sends AdSense ads to your site which are the most likely to entice your visitors to click on them.  

The Googlebot will even tell AdSense if your blog is in a language other than English, so that your ads come to you in the language of your site.  It wouldn’t be very good to see English ads on a Spanish site or vice versa.  AdSense is available in many languages and regions around the world.  And, the ads you will receive on your blog will be from your own region and in your native language.  
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