The principal objective of an enterprise is to create sales as well as sustain the sales tempo. Modern sales strategy is built around sustainable consumer brand preference, loyalty, and continuous future patronage. Many large corporations have devised various means to build their brands in the heart of the consumers, even at times using non-conventional methods.
"Marketing battles take place in the mind of a consumer or prospect. That's where you win. That's where you lose.” Jack Trout (2006). This affirms the notion of placing brand messages directly in the heart of consumers ....................Read more 

How to generate Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Posted by Tanimowo Micheal | 10:01 | 0 comments »

Word-of-mouth advertising is important for every business, as each happy customer can steer dozens of new ones your way. And it's one of the most credible forms of advertising because a person puts their reputation on the line every time they make a recommendation and that person has nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening. What are you doing to make sure your potential ambassadors feel confident enough in your business to recommend it? What are you doing to trigger word-of-mouth?

Here are some tips to help you generate word-of-mouth:
Word-of-mouth is triggered when a customer experiences something far beyond what was expected. Slightly exceeding their expectations just won't do it. You've got to go above and beyond the call of duty if you want your customers to talk about you.

Don't depend on your staff to trigger word-of-mouth by delivering "exceptional customer experience." Good customer service is sporadic, even in the best establishments. The customer who receives exceptional service today can't be sure their friends will receive the same....................Read more  


Posted by Tanimowo Micheal | 02:58 | 0 comments »

In view of the last process of building consumer brand loyalty, it is imperative to discuss the concept of communication in this regard. In the words of Anaeto et al (2008), communication is a many-sided phenomenon. It means different things to different people. It is a process or a means of access to the minds or thoughts of another. Communication is an exchange of meaning. Each participant comes into the communication situation with his or her own experience which he/she hopes to exchange with other participants. Wilson (1997) opines that communication can also be seen as a reduction of uncertainty. Without communication – through reading, listening (the receptive................Read more

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